Value insights from Jim McCann, CEO of a Multi-Billion Dolar Company

Read the original post HERE.

Many think the best way to create a billion-dollar company is to invent the next iPhone.

But sometimes, the biggest opportunities are hiding in plain sight.

Jim McCann is proof of that.

He turned a single flower shop into a global, billion-dollar company by leveraging technology in ways no one had considered.

With, Jim revolutionized telephone sales and became one of the first businesses to embrace internet commerce.

If there’s anyone who knows how to seize opportunities with emerging technologies, it’s him.

So when Jim joined me on the Liberty Ventures podcast this week, I had to ask:

How should entrepreneurs approach AI?
In this post-AI world, in what direction are we going?

His insights blew me away.

And here’s the twist:

There's one critical mindset he says entrepreneurs need to navigate this rapidly evolving landscape.

It’s not what I expected.

Check out the full episode to hear Jim’s take on AI, technology, and the mindset every leader needs today.

Watch the full episode here:


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